Final week of Spring 2

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 7:30am

I can't quite believe that we are now at the end of the Spring term; this year has flown by! The children have made so much progress throughout the year and I am so proud of them.

This week, we have still been very busy! We have finished reading Dogger and the children have re-told the story. I was very impressed at the beautiful handwriting, and use of adjectives and expanded noun phrases that they used. In Computing, the children are now able to log in to their laptops and log in to their Purple Mash accounts independently! We have been learning what an algorithm is, what objects and actions are, and using this knowledge to code different objects. The children followed the instructions very well.

I hope you all have an exciting and restful Easter break and I will see you again on Monday 8th April :).