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Head Teacher's Welcome:

Welcome to Abbott Community Primary School in Collyhurst, Manchester. We are a successful and inclusive school, which is a happy and positive place to learn. We benefit from a multi-cultural community which brings with it, a rich diversity and ethos.

As Head Teacher, it is important that I enable all our stakeholders to know what my vision is for the school. Our mission statement, “Aiming High to Achieve Success!” is the basis of this vision, as we strive to ensure that ALL of our children achieve success. This vision is shared by, and reflected in the everyday practice of, an excellent staff and whole-school community. Everyone has an expectation to unlock what our children can achieve; a team that acknowledges the potential of all our children regardless of their different starting points. This expectation does not focus solely on a child’s prior experience and what they can already do, but on where they are going and what we can do to help them get there.

Walking around Abbott, this vision comes alive. There are pockets of learning going on in all classrooms and all corners of the school, both indoors and out. I lead a tremendously devoted team that has a variety of skills and talents, and that has a natural gift in bringing these out in the children. I know that every member of staff at Abbott believes that their role is the same as everyone else’s: to enable all our children to achieve their potential.

I hope that our website allows you to get a real picture of what our school can provide. We are continually developing it in order to further strengthen our links with parents and the community that we are proud to serve. Without the support of parents and carers, we would not have the success that we do. Therefore, your contributions and suggestions are greatly valued.

Phillippa Wilson

Head Teacher

Nursery Star Learner: ... Reception Star Learner: ... Year 1 Star Learner: ... Year 2 Star Learner: ... Year 3 Star Learner: ... Year 4 Star Learner: ... Year 5 Star Learner: ... Year 6 Star Learner: ...
‘Aiming high to achieve success!’
Healthy School Logo
Leading Parent Partnership Award Logo
Forest Schools Level Three Practitioner Award
British Council International School Award
Educate and Celebrate Logo
Sing Up Gold Award
Manchester PE Association Logo
Primary Science Quality Mark 2023-2026
Quality Mark Primary logo
Quality Mark Early Years Award
Fun Sport 4 Kids logo
Salford Red Devils logo
Positive Footrpints logo
Purple Bee PANCo
Start Lifewell Gold Award
Young Citizens: Make a Difference Challenge-2020-2021