Class 6 2023 - 2024

Miss Churchman

Miss Churchman

Welcome to Class 6

Well, we have made it to Summer 2 - what a speedy year this has been! The children worked so hard last term and I am sure that they have absolutely smashed it in their SATs tests. We now look forward to a slightly different summer term as in the mornings Year 6 will be taught by Miss Watson and in the afternoons will still have myself. With Miss Watson, the children will be focussing on foundation subjects and maths; whilst in the afternoon they will be focussing on writing. 

As a polite reminder, please ensure that your child brings in their reading book every single day. We want to support your child's reading as much as possible which is much easier to support and monitor if their book is in daily. 

The classroom doors will open at 08:45 and close at 08:55. Anybody arriving after this time will be considered late and will have to sign in through the school office. 

As always, please don't hesitiate to get in contact on if you have any questions at all. 

Kind regards


Miss Churchman 

Class 6: News items

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Class 6: Blog items

Year 5 and 6 RAF STEM Workshop, by Miss Henderson

Art, by Miss Churchman