Class 2 2023 - 2024

Ms Curchin

Welcome back to Summer 2! I hope you all had a restful half-term. This half term we have lots of exciting things planned for the children in their final term of year 2! As the weather gets warmer please remember to send your children into school with a sun hat, sun cream and a water bottle (please make sure these are labeled clearly with your child’s name). 


The children were beginning to forget to bring in their reading book last half term let's ensure this improves for the rest of this term! It is so important that you are encouraging your child to read regularly. The books that the children bring home have keywords for you to discuss and questions to ask your child about what they have read.  Your child's reading book and library book will still be changed on Mondays, giving them a full week to continue to read and enjoy the same book and become familiar with the words.


PE days are. Tuesdays and Fridays. I recommend that your child brings their PE kit into school on a Monday and then takes it home on a Friday. Lots of children are forgetting to bring trainers/pumps so please make sure they have those with them. Also, if your child wears tights, please ensure you pack some socks for them.

I can answer any quick questions at the door but if you have anything more in depth you want to discuss, then please send me an email or ring the school so that we can arrange time for this.

Class 2: News items

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Class 2: Blog items

Schools out!, by Ms Curchin

Maths Week 2024, by Ms Curchin

Summer 2 Week 1, by Ms Curchin