EYFS 2024 - 2025

Mrs Peters

Mrs Peters

Miss Burke

Mrs Ilic

Mrs Ilic

Welcome to Foundation Stage!

Welcome back to Early Years and a big hello to our new families starting at Abbott!

We hope you have had a wonderful summer and are excited to jump straight into our first half term. There are a range of exciting themes to cover and lots of new things to learn!

We are so excited to be working with your children as they adjust back to school life, or start their school joourney for the first time.

This half term, we will be focusing on getting to know each other and settling into a new routine. We aim to celebrate your child’s preferences and interests, support them to engage with their new peers and most importantly, have fun through lots of play and exploration! We want to learn as much as we can about your children and discover all of their unique qualities and achievements. It is very important in Early Years to develop friendships and social skills so we will be spending time supporting emotional wellbeing and creating a safe, happy learning environment.

In Nursery we have Miss Burke as class teacher and Mrs Allwood, Zozo, Ms Wilds and Miss Mcquillan as teaching assistants. In Nursery will be getting to know ourselves and each other, talk about our feelings and exploring our likes and dislikes. We will be building positive relationships with our key workers and making new friendships within our key worker groups, all whilst settling into a busy, new routine. There will be lots of learning through play and exploring with all of our senses. This means that your children can sometimes get messy! Please ensure that your child has plenty of spare clothes available in school which have been clearly labelled with their name.

In Reception we have Mrs Ilic and Mrs Peters as class teachers and Mrs Latif as the teaching assistant. We are so excited to welcome back our families from Nursery as well as meeting the new families joining us this year. We can't wait to read so many wonderful stories to support your child settling into a new classroom, as well as offer a variety of challenges and activities designed to promote teamwork, problem solving and communication. In the first half term we aim to ensure every child is settled and ready to learn, starting with phonics! Phonics is key to introduce early reading skills and must be supported at home through the phonics books provided. We will also be exploring mathematical concepts with numbers 0-5 using the Power Maths scheme. 

We are also excited to introduce ClassDojo as our means of setting homework and sharing fantastic learning at school and experiences at home.

If you have any questions, please email us at

h.burke@abbott.manchester.sch.uk - Nursery

r.peters@abbott.manchester.sch.uk - Reception

e.ilic@abbott.manchester.sch.uk - EYFS Lead/Reception

Thank you as always for your continued support and cooperation.

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EYFS: Calendar items

World Mental Health Day, by Ms Melling

School Closes at 15:15, by Ms Melling

School Closed (Half Term), by Ms Melling