Class 3 2023 - 2024

Miss Thorne


Welcome to Class 3

Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back to the Summer term and our last as a class in year 3! We are learning lots of new and exciting things this term - please see our new timetable and learning objectives for Summer 2.

Reading: We are continuing to make it a priority that children are consistently reading at home, it is so important for their learning. We will be closely monitoring children’s reading at home, therefore we do ask that reading books are brought to school every day even if they have not been read. 

PE/Swimming: This term year 3 will be continuing PE with Salford Red Devils and an additional lesson with Mr Yates on a Tuesday, so PE kits are still required to be brought in on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. Year 3 will also be continuing to swim every Thursday afternoon so please make sure swimming kits are brought in on this day.

Please take the time to read Miss Wilson’s newsletter as it has a lot of information about this term as there is lot’s of fun things planned.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas you'd like to share.

Kind regards,

Miss Thorne

Class 3: News items

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Class 3: Blog items

Science super stars!, by Miss Thorne

Design and Technology!, by Miss Thorne