Abbott's Governing Board

Structure and Remit of Governing Board and Committees

The school’s Governing Board comprises of the Head Teacher, teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, Local Education Authority representatives and community nominees.


Governors have the following main responsibilities:

To determine the long term strategic future of the school.

To decide how the school budget should be spent and securing best value in the use of public funds.

To appoint the Head Teacher of the school and to hold the post holder and staff to account for school outcomes and the attainment and achievement of pupils, organisation of the curriculum and performance management of staff.

To decide policy on such things as equal opportunities, discipline, sex education, special needs provision, salaries..

The governing board meets as one committee discussing a range of topics e.g. curriculum, finance, staffing, premises and health and safety.


The Governors hold full meetings at least three times a year.  The minutes of these meetings are approved by the full Governing Board.

Governing Board Members
