Class 4 2023 - 2024

Ms Johnson

Welcome to Year 4

Welcome back to the Summer term!  The Spring term was full of lots of hard work and determination - I can't wait to see more of this from all the pupils in Year 4 again. To get more information on the exciting curriculum we have planned for the Summer term, have a look at the curriculum overview and Summer 1 newsletter below.

I have seen so much progress in Year 4's reading and want this to continue. To support this, please ensure that your child brings their reading records in every day. For information on how to support your child's reading at home, please also see our dedicated page

A polite reminder that Class 4 have P.E. on a Tuesday and Friday so need their kits for this. They also attend swimming on Thursday mornings. All pupils must bring swimming costumes and towels. Swimming hats are required for longer hair. 

Don't forget, the classroom doors will open at 8:45am and close at 08:55; anyone arriving after this time must report to the main office, where they will be marked in as late.

If you have any questions or queries, please email me at:


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