First week in Year 1

Date: 5th Sep 2023 @ 7:18pm

What a wonderful first week we have all had! The children have come back to school with a fantastic and hardworking attitude to learning. 

They have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the provision that is set up in the classroom, particularly construction and small world; we definitely have some future construction workers/architects in the class! 

The children have got straight into working in their new teams. In English, we have been learning how to form capital letters, and when we need to use them. In maths, we have been sorting objects into groups, counting objects in groups and identifying and representing numbers in different ways. The children have enjoyed using manipulatives to explore these mathematical concepts.

In PSHE, the children have learnt about the importance of washing their hands, and how to wash them properly. Additionally, they have begun to understand more about healthy eating and how they can ensure they have a balanced diet. We have also started our multi-skills sessions with Salford Red Devils Foundation, which the children have enjoyed.