Welcome from Miss Johnson

Date: 27th Jan 2024 @ 11:59am

Class 4 have had an excellent start to the year. We have had some new starters to our class - including myself, Miss Johnson - and all of the children have been welcoming, helpful and kind which has meant we have felt like part of the Abbott Community in no time! 

A polite reminder that Class 4 have P.E. on a Tuesday so need their kits for this. They also attend swimming on Thursday mornings. All pupils must bring swimming costumes and towels. Swimming hats are required for longer hair. 


This term we are focusing on multiplication in Maths. As a class, we have worked consistently in improving our speedy recall of times tables which has had a noticable impact on understanding in maths lessons. Please can I ask that all students continue to practice their times tables (particularly 6's, 7's, 8's, 12's) every day? This can be on Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) or in another way, but I will be able to monitor their progress on TTRS and achievements will be rewarded every week with certificates!

Literacy and Reading

In Literacy, we have been exploring the text 'The Egyptian Cinderella' which all pupils have been engaged in. We have already produced character descriptions with exciting vocabulary and noun phrases. Over the next weeks, we will be working towards writing other text types. In order to support your child to use a wide-range of exciting vocabulary, it is very important that they are reading every day. Please ensure that reading books and records are signed and brought in every day so that we can monitor and support this.


We have just started a new Geography topic exploring the local area, why different areas change and the impacts of these changes. Pupils have been surprised when discovering the changes to Collyhurst as well as hearing first-hand accounts from school staff about the changes they have witnessed. We look forward to exploring this topic further!


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or catch me at the end of the day, however if you have anything more in depth you want to discuss, then please send me an email or ring the school so that we can arrange time for this.

Kind regards,

Miss Johnson